My Opinion

I am a fan of this show and I enjoy watching it in my free time. Honeslty this show is one of my favorites and even though my mom thinks it's lame, I don't. This show is very comedy like and it makes me laugh me when I'm having a tough day and all I want to do is watch something funny. I think that some of the characters like Homer and Bart aren't very smart and make the dumbest mistakes but it's funny and so I enjoy watching them. The voices are different from other shows which makes them interesting to watch and they are all mostly yellow which makes me want to watch them more because they are unusual and different than other tv shows. "The Simpsons" should keep on creating new seasons and episodes because it isn't a boring show, every new episode brings more dumbness but also more laughter because people like to watch people do dumb things and "The Simpsons" are fictional and are not real humans so it's something different to watch.

In my opinion "The Simpsons" are a little inappropriate sometimes for kids and could be a bad influence for them but I don't think it's as inappropriate as other tv shows. It could still be watched by teens and older people because they are a probably a little more mature. "The Simpsons" show is my favorite fictional and comedy show because it's not as inappropriate as other fictional shows and it is hilarious because of their dumb actions. I think "The Simpsons" show is popular because it has it's very own ride at Universal Studios Hollywood. Another thing is that I think that they are popular because of how funny the show is, most people like to watch comedy shows to maybe brighten up their day and forget about everything else.